I'm very pleased I live south of the cyclone, they had the high winds and over 450mm of rain. We had some severe gusts of wind and 85mm of rain. It has slowed down a bit now, but still raining on and off.
We decided to start the cleaning out in the kitchen, what a job, we had food dating back 5 years. So the contents went in the bin and the pakaging in the recycling. Glass jars, plastic containers, junk, you name it, the only stuff that is left is going back into the new cupboard.
With the storms around Peppie has been alowed to sleep inside. He is a great little dog, marvelous watchdog, great friend, very faithful and if he could talk, he'd have some very interesting stories to tell. He is welcome at our place anytime and I've always got a supply of special dog biscuits just in case he visits.
Laura is an amazing young lady with an achievable goal in her life. She works hard doing school assignments, and has a job so is earning a bit of cash, but Laura had a printing problem. Her computer uses a Netgear wireless dongle to join in on the family Internet and doing so has access to the family printer. But being wireless can be a bit tricky at times. The problem I think was a packet blocked in the printer box, we cleared that, sent a test print, rebooted and it was all go. Laura was happy.

I haven't seen the little peewees today, but I did see the parents swooping into the hybiscus tree to feed. It is amazing they survived the wind and rain last night.
Helen has finished the quilt for Crystals baby which was born on the 16th March. It is certainly a lovely quilt and Crystal is the first of the three girls to be presented with a quilt.
Your quilt Helen is a credit to you. I love the colour coordination, very bright, and I am sure will be very loved and cherished by both mother and son