Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How can we find you on the web...

This exercise is for those who understand HTML
If you feel uneasy about doing it, DON'T TRY

How can we find your blog on the web... Google says it doesn't use Meta tags which is a code that was read by the web crawlers to add words and locations to the WWW dictionary.  But is seems that other crawlers are still using meta.
So the easiest way to go is to open and generate the meta code and click continue   Then copy the produced code into your blog.  Use the Dashboard, Layout, HTML Editor  and you will see some meta lines in the code, insert a space after the last meta and paste your code in. SAVE. and that should be it.
If you are not game to do the above, there is nothing lost.

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Blogging is fun, why not start your own? I'm happy to read your comments, but if you want to sell me something don't bother